Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Being a Top Ranking Secret Agent's Wife" ...Are you ready girls???

by Ananta K. Wibawa

"We lied about our husband's jobs, stalled inquisitive policemen, befriended minister's wives, kept our ears open at parties, deflected the children's questions, and worried in silence alone. We were the CIA wives. You never knew us..."

That's a part of quotes from Bina Kiyonaga's loving tribute to her husband, career East Asia and Latin America operations officer Joe Kiyonaga, well booked and published by Perennial/HarperCollins, New York, 2000 as "My Spy: Memoir of a CIA Wife"

It makes a significant contribution to intelligence literature by sharing with us the awesome demands and extraordinary life of a case officer's wife living on the front lines of the Cold War. Part spy tale and part love story, My Spy chronicles a 30-year marriage that spanned "four continents, three wars, a revolution, five kids, two races, and one faith," in Kiyonaga's words.

Bina Kiyonaga isn't alone, there are some CIA's wives also, who face similar problems. Mostly they never knew before that they would marry a secret agent. Actually, in real life secret agents never act just like "Commander Bond" who always mention ..."My name is Bond,... James Bond" and of course they never tell to anybody, Hi I'am a secret agent of xx or xxx"...There would be a right time or maybe there wouldn't for them to telling the truth to their family.

As we know better, teling a truth is a part of some efforts to maintain a well marriage relationship. Mostly women are unpleasant when their couples won't tell the truth. But what would happen to this unique marriage situation? I believe there are various forms. Premature divorce, suffering, excessive fears, etc

Bina Kiyonaga acknowledged that raising five children in the secret life presented special challenges, not the least of which was the timing of when to tell the children of their father’s special life and explain the need to protect his cover.

For those wives just like Bina Kiyonaga, they've made their choice consequently as a part of a family. The point of view of their choice is not how to be a good wife, nor how to be a happy family. But they realy understand about the real and deepest meaning of "Till death do us part" a sacred vow that's always claimed by everybody in every wedding ceremony. Now we got to clarify something. When a couple steps into a mariage (ideally), they've just passed a self surrender period, where love is the basis of mutual respect. Something which is so faraway from sexual matters and passion.

A genuine marriage is built as a last corridor toward the eternally. A wise guy have ever mentioned it as "Nearly Closer to the Death". That's why it would be need much daring to face it. Those wives just try to be loyal in their corridor by accepting any risk and any challenge that would come againsts them any time and any where. They accepted the entire challenges as a team. Suitable in what Homer said in 9th century B.C.: "There is nothing more admirable than two people who see eye-to-eye keeping house as man and wife, confounding their enemies, and delighting their friends."

But Girls...Have you realy ever thought about that kind of vacation ? Try to imagine it clearly ...

1. Get many chances travelling exotic places around the world.
2. Get a lot deposite of credit union.
3. Get bonafide Federal Health and Life Insurance.
4. Get child care centre.
and there are still many "Gets"

Would it be more exiting huh?. Being a stewardess would be nothing...I guess . But why?...still worrying at the horrible darkside story ?? being killed, being bombed, being captured and tortured..or maybe being a...widow...


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